Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” Albert Einstein
Once, a client asked me a question.
“I have two friends,” he said. “One of them is a massage therapist, and she’s happy. The other is a millionaire, and he’s miserable. I asked her what makes her happy, and she told me it’s because her clients need her. Could this really be true?”
It made me think.
Then, I remembered that humans were shaped by evolution.
And evolution doesn’t want us to be very successful.
It wants us to succeed enough to survive, reproduce, and raise children.
And since we are social creatures, doing it by being needed is much easier.
Success sometimes increases our chances of solving evolutionary tasks.
Being needed does that 100% of the time.
That’s why a massage therapist can be happier than a millionaire.
And a millionaire who is needed by many people could be the happiest person on the planet.
Read also: On Pantyhose, Taxi Cabs, and Billions: Don’t Beat the Competition—Make It Obsolete
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