Founder Mode Shouldn’t Develop into Helicopter Parenting

Where a founder is a boss, employees turn into minions. You can fire all the employees of a well-established company. It will suffer, but it will survive. If you fire…

Strategy in Three Minutes. Episode 17

1. Strategy and Value Exchange: Order in Thoughts on Strategy Brings Order to Strategy We can organize our thoughts on strategy in the traditional order: [1] What goals and ambitions…

Stop Strategizing. Start Creating

In September 2001, the CEO of a major company announced a big decision. From a classical strategy viewpoint, it was highly strategic. You can find many such cases in textbooks.…

A Solvable Problem Is Good—an Unsolvable One Is Better

Unsolvable problems are an endless source of innovation What do my pen, smartphone, and sneakers have in common? They effectively solve the tasks they were designed for. I don’t need…

Goodbye, Strategic Planning

Hello, Value Ecosystem Management Running a business using a classical strategic approach is like building a house with just the blueprint for the basement. If you can’t solve a task,…

Some decide without knowing how to act. Others act without knowing why.

Understanding of a company’s strategy isn’t evenly distributed throughout the business: CEO – 100% Executives – 70% Middle managers – 30% Frontline workers – 5% Process execution and customer relations…

Strategy in Three Minutes. Episode 16

1. Strategy and Value Exchange: Self-centric focus will never build a customer-centric business Is your org structure customer-centered? Many companies organize their sales, marketing, and service departments by: [1] products…

To reap order, you must sow chaos

You can’t build without destroying His name was Lou. He was born in Mineola, New York, in 1942. At 51, he took charge of a big, famous company with a…

Goodbye, Strategic Planning

So, goodbye, strategic planning.  Running a business using a classical strategic approach is like building a house with just the blueprint for the basement. If you can’t solve a task,…