Following the path matters more than seeing around corners

Following the path matters more than seeing around corners

Daily short-termism kills more strategies than wrong forecasts.

Companies go to great lengths to align their long-term goals with everyday tasks.

Most of them use a cascading approach.

But one can’t cascade overarching goals into atomic actions.

It’s easy to think strategically once a year. It’s hard to act strategically every single day.

Central Strategic Principles are a great help.

Give your team some principles that will help them make short-term decisions.

  • Which customers are a priority for us?
  • Which of their needs do we focus on?
  • What value do we create for them?
  • What competencies, assets, and processes do we develop to support value creation, and how?

Cascading strategic goals can answer many questions.

Central principles can answer all questions.

A management team is not an orchestra under the command of a conductor, but rather a jazz band. The leader sets the main theme, but the musicians improvise.


Svyatoslav Biryulin

Check out my new book, Red and Yellow Strategies: Flip Your Strategic Thinking and Overcome Short-termism.

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